Dedicated to increasing the availability
of quality, accessible, decent, safe
and sanitary affordable housing
within Rapides Parish.
Take a look at past projects that
GAEDA Revitalization Corporation
has had the privilege of working
on in our community.
Interested in partnering with GRC for the
greater good? Click here to learn more
about how you can join our mission to
improve Central Louisiana lives.
GAEDA Revitalization Corporation (GRC), a Louisiana nonprofit corporation, was created by the Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority (GAEDA) to spearhead neighborhood revitalization initiatives, which include the creation of affordable housing, as well as commercial sector revitalization in the revitalization area. Affordable Housing And Commercial Sector Revitalization Initiatives include work in new construction of single-family housing for ownership, new construction of single-family and multi-family rental properties, rehabilitation of existing single-family housing units, development of financial literacy programs, development of a Land Bank, and commercial corridor enhancements with light retail support services.